Thinking of Homeschooling? 5 Things to Consider

Jan 06, 2018

If you’re considering homeschooling, just know that you are one of millions who are weighing out the pros and cons of homeschooling right now. Home education is a popular choice among people across the country - and the world - for various reasons. At the end of the day, you know your child and your family. You’ll ultimately do what’s best for everyone. If you’re still on the fence, or if you’re just wanting to know a little more about homeschooling in general, this article will help answer some of your questions and help you make an informed decision. Here are five things you should consider if you’re thinking of homeschooling:

1. Why Do you Want to Homeschool?

The first thing to consider is why you want to homeschool. Do you want to spend more time with your kids? Are you tired of seeing them busy and tired? Perhaps you disagree with school testing or the Common Core initiative. Maybe your child has a learning disability or would benefit from one-on-one learning. Identifying your reasons for homeschooling can help you prioritize.

2. What are the Benefits of Homeschooling?

Homeschooled kids score 15-30% better than public school students when it comes to standardized tests, and homeschooled students score above average on testing such as the ACT and SAT no matter their parents’ level of education. These children grow up to be more involved in their communities and politics, including voting, and they go on to be more successful in college.

3. Can You Afford it Financially?

For many homeschooling families, the decision to homeschool will require a financial consideration. Homeschooling in itself can be done at a modest price, especially in comparison with the costs of uniforms, shoes, booksacks, and other school fees. The consideration comes in the form of income. Typically, one parent is the main teacher, and this parent can possibly work around the homeschooling schedule. Many parents homeschool while the other spouse is the sole breadwinner.

4. Can You Make The Time?

Homeschooling does require a time investment. Young children won’t require much per day, but the structure of providing a well-rounded education can take a few hours per day. Older students often find independence because they can read and write on their own; younger students will need more instruction. You’ll need to plan on at least two hours of quality time with your student each day. This is an average, as older students could require more time for instruction when it comes to new material.

5. What are the Homeschooling Laws in Your State?

Each and every state and country has homeschooling laws of their very own. Your homeschooling decision should carefully consider these laws. You can conduct a quick online search to pull up the guidelines for your location. Find out the registration requirements, if any, in your state, as well as truancy/absenteeism laws. If you decide to homeschool, you will need to closely adhere to your state’s laws to curtail any problems.

The decision to homeschool should never be taken lightly. It will entail starting a new journey, which could mean taking your child out of public or private school and putting forth the new mindset of home education. Yes, you can homeschool in your pajamas, and you can largely homeschool on a schedule that accommodates you, but you want to be positive that you can provide a quality education for your child at home. Fortunately, thanks to the many resources available in communities across the country and online, you can provide this education through homeschooling today.

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