The Value of Art Lessons For Those on the Autism Spectrum

Jan 16, 2018

If you have a loved one on the autism spectrum, then you might have been guided to art lessons. You might be wondering how art lessons will be beneficial for your child or someone else in your life on the autism spectrum, and if this investment of time and money is worth it. In this article, we’re going to explore the ways in which art lessons can help children and adults on the autism spectrum.

1. It’s a Form of Self-Expression and Exploration

Art lessons provide structure for creating art, but they also give people on the autism spectrum an opportunity to explore the world around them. Kids and adults alike can express themselves through art while learning to recognize the expressions of others in a safe and neutral setting. This is especially beneficial for children with autism who are having a hard time identifying their own emotions and recognizing the emotions of others.

2. Art Helps Hone in on Fine Motor Skills

For people with autism and motor skill deficits, art lessons can help them make strides. For instance, fingerpainting helps children learn to have better control over their hands and fingers, and painting with a brush can ultimately help people have a better grip on a pencil. Art lessons can be highly beneficial for people who need motor skill improvement.

3. It Provides an Alternative to Verbal Communication

Art lessons can help an autistic person express themselves in a way other than verbal communication. While verbal communication is important, many children and adults with autism have difficulty expressing themselves through words. Art offers a way for expression through colors, images, and even artistic technique.

4. Art Can Help Manage Sensory Issues

People with autism struggling with sensory issues can benefit from art lessons. For instance, children who like to keep their hands free of stickiness might enjoy art lessons. Getting sticky in an “approved” environment where they’re learning and exploring opens up new doors. Kids can get immersed in a new world of textures and colours, don't worry about the mess, they can get cleaned up or take a break when they need to.

5. It Puts Control in Their Hands

Art lessons are structured enough to teach people with autism new techniques and an exciting way to express themselves, but it also puts control in their hands. Everything they create in art lessons is truly made from their own hands and children and adults with autism can feel a great sense of pride at having this control. Plus, they can feel accomplished at having made something on their own.

6. Art Helps Increase Focus

Through art lessons, people on the autistic spectrum are able to hone in and focus. When they become immersed in an art project, kids and adults with autism have a higher level of concentration. This can help reduce stress while helping them learn how to practice focus. Concentration needs to be exercised to be effective for anyone, and art lessons offer a great way to practice focus.

Art lessons are highly effective for managing stress in those on the autism spectrum, along with all of the other benefits listed above. Children and adults on the autism spectrum have been shown to receive all of these benefits, so no one is too old or too young to reap the rewards offered by art lessons. Numerous studies have shown the benefits of art therapy and art lessons in a structured environment. If you’ve been considering art lessons for someone on the autism spectrum, we hope this article has helped you reach a decision!